Tax Checkoff FAQs
What is a voluntary contribution?
A voluntary contribution is an election made by the taxpayer to designate amounts on his or her tax return to charitable funds.
How does the Prevention of Animal Homelessness & Cruelty Fund help animals?
The California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) administers grants to public animal care and control agencies as well as SPCAs and humane societies for (1) programs designed to prevent and eliminate dog and cat homelessness and (2) the prevention, investigation, and prosecution of animal cruelty and neglect. The first $250,000 in grants is reserved for public animal care and control agencies for spay/neuter of dogs and cats.
Are all public animal care and control agencies and shelters eligible to apply for a grant?
Yes, provided they are current on their reporting requirements to the State Department of Public Health, Veterinary Public Health Section.
Which agencies received grants in 2017?
The 2017 grant recipients were: Kern County Animal Services, City of Long Beach Animal Care Services, County of Los Angeles Department of Animal Care and Control, Merced County Sheriff Animal Services, City of Moreno Valley - Animal Services Division, City of Rancho Cucamonga Animal Care and Services, Riverside County Department of Animal Services, County of San Diego Department of Animal Services, San Jose Animal Care and Services, Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter, Stanislaus Animal Services Agency, Tehama County Division of Animal Services, and Town of Truckee Animal Services.
Where can I make a voluntary contribution to the Prevention of Animal Homelessness & Cruelty Fund?
You can make a contribution on Line 431 of any of these California income tax returns: 540 2EZ, 540, 540NR Long or Short Form, and 541, Schedule C.
What amount can I contribute to the Prevention of Animal Homelessness & Cruelty Fund?
You can make a contribution of $1 or more, in whole dollar amounts.
Is my voluntary contribution irrevocable if I change my mind?
Yes. You can make the voluntary contribution on the original return only. You can not make or reverse a contribution on an amended return.
Can I deduct my contribution as a charitable deduction?
Yes. Your contribution is permitted as a charitable contribution (in the year following the contribution) on Federal Schedule A. However, this may change with amendments to federal tax law.