How To Add Files to the CalAnimals
Collaborative Resource Library
CalAnimals hosts these collaborative Resource Library pages as a courtesy to our members. CalAnimals has not reviewed nor approved these documents. Anyone may view and use this library for enhancing their programs. Please note credit when appropriate.
​To view more Resource Library Categories, go to "More in this Section".
Is your organization a member? Please sign-in to add files.
1. If you have difficulty signing into the member portal, try using your work email as the username. Please request a password reset or contact for assistance.
2. Choose the appropriate library. Additional categories may be found in the “More in this Section” drop-down menu.
3. Click “Add a File”.
4. Add an identifiable title in the box above "browse" (this title may be more descriptive than your existing file name) and a description in the big box (this will appear as "more" after upload), to help others easily understand its content and who contributed it.
5. By uploading your file, you acknowledge and grant permission that it may be viewed or used by another organization.
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