Continuing Education Information
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Humane Officers (HOs) and Certified Animal Control Officers (CACOs)
Certification Renewal
Renewal of your designation as a Humane Officer or a Certified Animal Control Officer is required every three years. To qualify for renewal, you are required to obtain a minimum of forty (40) CEUs over the three-year period prior to expiration and you must complete the renewal application and fee payment prior to expiration. It is the officer’s responsibility to ensure they obtain the required ongoing training and submit proof, prior to the expiration of the certification period.
Approved Continuing Education Providers
The following providers are approved by CalAnimals for CEU credits for Certified Animal Control Officers and Humane Officers in the State of California:
Adaptation Environmental (specialists on venomous snakes)
Animal Rescue Shelter and Patrol - Humane Law Enforcement Training Academy
Animal Shelter Management Certificate Program from University of the Pacific
Best Friends Animal Society
Code 3
Humane World for Animals (HSUS)
Humane Network
Link Coalition
Animal Legal Defense Fund symposiums and trainings including the Animal Law Symposium
Veterinary conferences courses pertinent to animal welfare work
RACE-approved courses pertinent to animal welfare work
Justice Clearinghouse webinars that pertain to animal welfare
(Request your JCH discounted membership promo code) -
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Academy, Chemical Immobilization Safe Capture
UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program
Local, California, or National District Attorney seminars that pertain to animal welfare
*Additional courses outside of the providers listed above may also be accepted on a course by course basis. To request credit approval of third party courses submit your request to info@CalAnimals.org.
How To Report Your CEUs
Humane Officers:
The process for reporting Continuing Education units for Humane Officers can be found here (https://www.calanimals.org/humane-officers).
Certified Animal Control Officers (CACO):
1. CEUs for Certified Animal Control Officers are reported to CalAnimals prior to of the end of the certification period.
2. Your expiration will be the last day of the month in which your certification was conferred, three years later.
3. CalAnimals recommends that you download the CEU Reporting Form and record your CEUs as you acquire them. By keeping track as you go, you will avoid the need to backtrack at the end of your three-year certification period, to report your CEUs to CalAnimals.
Thank you for maintaining your designation as a Humane Officer or a Certified Animal Control Officer. This demonstrates your proficiency in the profession and your commitment to excellence and the safety and well-being of the animals and communities that we serve.
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CalAnimals provides trainings throughout the year for California animal welfare professionals on a variety of topics. Our Animal Law Enforcement Training Academies, in partnership with Marin Humane, United States Service Command, and San Diego Humane Society, are the go-to training programs for animal control officers and humane officers throughout California. Additionally, we provide one-day trainings and webinars and our new on-demand CalAnimals Officer Academy.
**Please note: CalAnimals webinars and trainings are for informational purposes only. Please check with your own municipality, legal counsel, and/or veterinarian to determine which activities are appropriate for your agency.**