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We are an association of California's



California Animal Welfare Association (CalAnimals) 

represents and supports California's animal care and control agencies, SPCAs, humane societies, and other animal welfare organizations.

CalAnimals -California Shelters Saving Lives

CalAnimals -California Shelters Saving Lives

Together. For the animals. For our communities.  

CalAnimals is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
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Key CA laws and regulations related to shelters and animals
Bills affecting shelters and animals pending in the CA Legislature

CalAnimals Career Center
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CalAnimals News
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in California

Thank you to our sponsors:

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FREE WEBINARS - Vist the Online Learning Page​​​​​



Live Zoom - April 3
California Adopt-a-Pet Day: Strategies for Success!


Live Zoom - May 1 (will not be recorded)

Cal/OSHA and Animal Shelters: What You Need to Know



CalAnimals is a private, 501c3 nonprofit organization.

CalAnimals reserves the right to decline, suspend, or terminate memberships.

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